Lawyer in Indore
Lawyer in Indore
J.S. Rohilla Legal Services has a professional team of The Best Lawyers in Indore that handles all your Criminal Matters. The benefits of hiring the Best Criminal Lawyer is that they have an in depth knowledge and practice of all Indian CriminalLaw related matters. Our Cyber Crime Advocates and Criminal Advocates not only give their valuable advice but also provide legal services with efficiency.
Criminal Lawyers associated with us are highly experienced and provide legal advice and services in matters such as Negotiable instruments, Offences under Indian Penal Code, Domestic Violence, matters relating to bail, defamation, Matters related to Fraud, Cheating, Offences relating to Documents and against Property marks, Offences affecting Public Health, Human body and others, Crimes and Offences under the Indian Penal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure, with their Expertise and Extensive Knowledge as per the Indian Legal System.
We provide following services:
• Legal assistance in filing police complaints / Registration of FIR / Criminal Complaint under the provisions of law of crime/IPC.
• Filing of Criminal complaint before Police station u/s 154 of Cr.P.C or magistrate under section 190, 200, 156(3) Of code of Criminal procedure 1973;
• Filing and arguing of Anticipatory Bail applications U/s 438 of Cr.P.C before Court of Session and High Courts;
• Filing and arguing of Regular Bail Application u/s 437 of Cr.P.C before Criminal Courts including JM/MM/ASJ etc.
• Filing and arguing of Regular Bail Application u/s 439 of Cr.P.C before Sessions Courts & High courts.
• Filing and arguing of Revision Petition under Sec. 397 of Cr.P.C. against the acquittal / conviction.
• Filing and arguing a petition U/s 482 of Cr.P.C for quashing of F.I.R or staying the criminal procedure before High Courts;
• Representing clients in the Criminal Trial before magistrate or Court of Session, as defense counsel;
• Filing / defending Complaint under section 138 of N. I. Act before magistrate.
• Assist women/victim in filing application u/s 125 Cr.P.C for seeking maintenance from her husband and arguing on the same.
Civil Law
We have got the Best Civil Lawyers in Indore. Our Civil Advocates in Indore look after the Civil Matters before Supreme Court, High Court & District Court for our clients.
We provide comprehensive legal services to our clients under litigation of civil laws, Law related to Transfer of Property, Will, Estate, Succession, law of Recovery including money recovery, recovery of possession, suits related to children, wards, guardianships, letter of administration, estate, Joint property, tenancy, joint tenancy, fixation of rent, eviction procedure, probate, , custody, execution, claims, injuctions, rendition of accounts, damages, partitions etc. before any courts, Tribunals, Commissions, Boards and other Judicial or Quasi-Judicial Authorities. These services include advising, drafting of pleading and appearing in the courts, filing appeals, revisions, writs, SLPs. Etc.
We provide following services among others:
• Suit for recovery of money including summary, estate, property (Movable or immovable), debts, dues, actionable claims, damages, rendition of accounts etc.
• Suit for specific performances of contacts or agreements;
• Suit for partition of immovable properties;
• Suit for permanent/mandatory/temporary injunctions;
• Suit for eviction & Possession;
• Application for obtaining probate/letter of administration / succession certificate;
• Suits under Hindu succession and Indian Succession Act;
• Petitions for Accident Claims before MACT
• Recovery of Debts Due to financial institutions before DRTs.
• Writs petitions before High Courts and Supreme Courts;
• Revision, Review, Appeal, Special leave to Appeal etc.
• Eviction petition by land lords for the tenanted premises.
• Protection of tenants from forceful and illegal eviction & Application of fixation of rent before Rent Controller
• Suit for Injunction, Rendition of Accounts and Damages for infringement of trademark;
• Contempt Petitions
• Drafting and filing Written Statements / Reply/ Counter affidavits / Rejoinders etc.
Services related to drafting of Following Documents, Notices, Deeds and Agreements:
• Drafting of Indemnity bond and other Bonds
• Drafting of GPA/SPA/POA/Board Resolutions etc.
• Drafting of Deed of Mortgage /Hypothecation
• Drafting of Partnership Deed & Trust Deed
• Drafting of Gift deeds/ Sale Deed / Agreement to Sell etc.
• Drafting of Public Notices / Publications/Auction notice etc.
• Tenders / Public Notices /Notices
• WILL, Gift, Sale Deed etc
• MOU / MOA / Constitution of NGO/Political parties/trust/society etc.
• Settlement or compromise Deed/Agreements.
• Drafting of Commercial Agreements & Joint venture Agreements;
• Drafting of Arbitration Agreements;
Family Law
To hire the Best Family Lawyers in Indore get in touch with us. We have a team of immensely talented and experienced Family Lawyers such as Marriage Dissolution Lawyer, Divorce Lawyer, Domestic Violence Advocate, Child Custody Lawyer, Dowry Lawyers etc. The team specializes in all the Family related disputes and cases.
Law is based on Best Family Lawyers offer ample, trustworthy solutions and services. We provide the best advice for family related issues. To hire the Best Family Lawyers Indore.
As a Leading Law firm of Indore we also provide Best Family Lawyers in Indore. We have a team of specialized Family lawyers in Indore to deal with all your Family related cases. We advise and provide legal services in matters relating to Marriage and registration.
We offer a wide range of legal services related to divorce & matrimonial matters which include:
• Marriage Laws
• Divorce Laws
• Domestic Violence Laws
• Adoption Laws
You may contact us for our legal advice in matters relating to Marriage and Registration, Matters relating to Guardians and Wards Act, Matters relating to Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, Matters relating to Special Marriage Act of 1954, Succession Act of 1925, Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961 and The Indian Divorce Act of 1869, with our Expertise and Extensive Knowledge as per the Indian Legal System.
Constitutional Law
• Transfer petitions under CPC and Cr.P.C before High Courts and Supreme Courts;
• Writs, SLPs and Public Interest Litigations
Arbitration and Conciliation
The Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 the governing arbitration statute in India. It is based on the Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration adopted by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) in 1985. Previous statutory provisions on arbitration were contained in three different enactments, namely, the Arbitration Act, 1940, the Arbitration (Protocol and Convention) Act, 1937 and the Foreign Awards (Recognition and Enforcement) Act, 1961. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 has repealed the Arbitration Act, 1940 and also the Acts of 1937 and 1961.
The Objectives of the Arbitration and Conciliation are:
• To cover both international & domestic arbitration & conciliation
• To make provisions for an arbitral procedure which is fair, efficient and capable of meeting the needs of the arbitration
• To permit an arbitral tribunal to use mediation & conciliation to encourage settlement of disputes
• To provide that a settlement reached by the parties as a result of conciliation proceedings will have the same status and affect as an arbitral award
• To provide that the arbitral tribunal gives reasons for its arbitral award To provide that every arbitral award is enforced in the same manner as if it were a decree of the court.
We provide following services :
• Arbitration Petitions before High Court, seeking appointment of Arbitrators;
• Petition under sections 9 of Arbitrations & Conciliation Act seeking interim measures;
• Petition before the court seeking Interim relief before or at the stage of arbitration proceedings;
• Petition under section 34 of Arbitration Act, 1999 seeking set aside of the award;
• Execution petition seeking realisation of the arbitration award before civil court.
• Appear before arbitrators across the country;
• Arbitration in Commercial disputes
• Domestic and International Arbitration
• Enforcement of Awards in India and outside India
Landlord Tenant / Property Disputes
The term property is used in its most widest and generic sense. Property is a legal term to denote every kind of interest or right which has an economic content. Law relating to property is not governed by a single Act in India. Depending upon the mode of acquiring the property, provisions of personal laws applicable in the country, The Succession Act, 1925; The Transfer of Property Act, 1881; Registration Act, 1908; Stamp Duty, Rent control Acts enacted by various States may be applicable. Property is broadly classified into movable and immovable property. The transfer of the two entails different forms and procedures.
We have been providing exemplary services in the field of property law including lease and license, gifts, rent, actionable claim, sale, transfer of title and settlement of seemingly complex property disputes in and outside the court room.
We provide broad based legal support, assistance, guidance and consulting services in matters relating to Landlord tenant disputes, succession matters, probate, Wills etc. both on original as well as appellate side with equal competence and help our clients to achieve excellent results.
It goes without saying that we could be approached for taking up and accomplishing the drafting of various agreements relating to transfer of property as well as for dealing with disputes emanating right from the Civil Courts upto the Supreme Court of India.
Motor Accident claims
If you or a loved one has been the victim of a serious personal injury accident, it is essential that you contact an experienced personal injury attorney to represent your rights. The talented and experienced attorneys at us represent injured persons and their families. Our clients range from the severely handicapped to the mildly injured. As part of our practice we represent motor accident victims or their legal representative to get compensation. We deal with technical and medical issues associated with motor accidents and represent the client’s claim for compensation in court, and bring up any such legal rights that were infringed or violated by the occurrence of such an accident.
Consumer disputes
Consumer Protection means protection of consumers from various unfair trade practices. The purpose of such protection is t avoid exploitation and check various business malpractices.
Commercial organizations are well organized, better informed and have a better dominating position. Because of this, they easily exploit consumers. The worst affected victims of these commercial organizations need to be protected and the consumer is protected through consumer protection.
Importance of Consumer Protection:
• To Organize Consumers: Indian consumers are scattered over a wide geographical area. They are not well organized. They have a low power and businessmen exploit consumers. Here we need consumer protection.
• Provide Market Information: Majority of the consumers have no information about quality, type, price and other marketing facilities. Many customers buy without product knowledge and this make them suffer losses.
• Importance of Physical Safety: Indian markets are over flooded with products. The products may be adulterated and may be health hazardous. This may endanger their life and due to this a consumer needs to be protected.
• Avoiding Monopoly: Consumer Protection is very important in terms of avoiding monopoly. Monopoly is the crown of modern market. Most of the organizations, irrespective of various restrictions follow monopoly practice. Due to this consumers get affected and needs to be protected.
• Prevention from Malpractices: Business malpractices are rapidly growing in modern market. Businessmen follow unfair trade practices, restrictive trade practices and monopolistic trade practice and consumer protection plays a vital role.
• Avoiding Pollution: Pollution is very serious issue taken by every country. Pollution affects the mind and health of not only consumers but also citizens. It is important to avoid pollution to save society at large from pollution.
• Misleading Advertisements: Many organizations, deliberately cheat consumers through wrong or misleading advertisements. This will protect consumers from getting exploited.
• Informing Consumers about their Basic Rights: Majority of the consumers are ignorant. They do not know about consumer rights. Consumer movements inform consumers about their rights and protect their interest and rights.
We have constitutes a team of experienced and qualified lawyers to deal with all Consumer matters. We have been regularly filing cases before District Forum, State Commission and National Commission and appear before District Forum, State Commission and National Commission.
Service matters
We have constitutes a team of experienced and qualified lawyers to deal with all service matters such as promotion, dismissal, increment, disciplinary action, removal and any issue related to the job in any sector. We have been regularly filing application and appear before Central Admistratative Tribunal in service matters.
Environment Litigation
We have been regularly advising multinational companies on regulatory issues relating to environment in India besides representing our clients in environmental litigation matters before the Honble Supreme Court of India, National Green Tribunal, High Courts and Appellate Authorities.
We are regularly advising clients on the regulatory compliances under the provisions of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974; Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981; Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and the rules framed there-under. We are also advising clients including real estate companies on issues relating to groundwater usage and waste management. We have advised clients on environmental issues in real-estate, infrastructure and energy sectors besides advising on emission reduction.
As socially-conscious lawyers we are also involved with pro-bono matters concerning to environment .
Disclaimer: This information is intended for general guidance only and does not constitute legal advice. Please consult with a qualified lawyer for personalized advice specific to your situation.
Adcocate J.S. Rohilla (Civil & Criminal Lawyer in Indore)
Contact: 88271 22304