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Filing Procedure and Grounds for Contested Divorce in Indore

Filing Procedure and Grounds for Contested Divorce in Indore

A contested divorce, as opposed to a mutual consent divorce, is a legal process where one spouse seeks to dissolve the marriage against the will of the other. It’s a more complex and lengthy process due to the contested nature of the proceedings. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the filing procedure and grounds for a contested divorce in Indore:

1. Consultation with a Lawyer:

  • The first crucial step is to consult a qualified and experienced family law lawyer in Indore. They will explain your legal options, advise on the grounds for divorce applicable to your case, and guide you through the entire process.

2. Gathering Documents:

  • You’ll need to gather documents like:
    • Marriage certificate
    • Aadhaar cards of both parties
    • Proof of residence
    • Income tax returns
    • Evidence of marriage breakdown (emails, messages, photographs)
    • Evidence supporting the grounds for divorce (medical reports, witness statements)

3. Drafting and Filing the Petition:

  • Your lawyer will draft a petition to be filed with the Family Court in Indore. The petition should state:
    • The grounds for divorce
    • The relief sought (dissolution of marriage, alimony, child custody)
    • Relevant details about the marriage and its breakdown
    • Evidence supporting your claims

4. Service of Notice:

  • The court will issue a notice to your spouse informing them of the petition and their right to defend the case.

5. Response and Counterclaims:

  • Your spouse can file a response denying your claims and presenting their own grounds for contesting the divorce. They may also make counterclaims, such as seeking alimony or child custody.

6. Evidence and Documentation:

  • Both parties will need to present evidence in court to support their claims. This may include witness testimonies, documents, and expert reports.

7. Court Hearings:

  • The court will hold hearings where both parties present their arguments and evidence. The judge will assess the evidence and decide whether to grant the divorce.

8. Mediation:

  • The court may order mediation sessions to try and resolve the issues amicably and reach a settlement out of court. This can save time and costs.

9. Decree of Divorce:

  • If the court grants the divorce, it will issue a decree dissolving the marriage. This decree will also address any issues related to alimony, child custody, and property division.

10. Appeals:

  • Either party can appeal the court’s decision to a higher court if they disagree with the outcome.

Grounds for Contested Divorce in Indore:

The grounds for contested divorce in Indore are governed by the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (applicable to Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs) and the Special Marriage Act, 1954 (applicable to all religions).

Here are some of the most common grounds for contested divorce under these Acts:

  • Adultery: Voluntary sexual intercourse of one spouse with a person other than their spouse.
  • Cruelty: Physical or mental abuse by one spouse towards the other.
  • Desertion: One spouse voluntarily abandoning the other for a continuous period of two years or more.
  • Conversion: One spouse converting to another religion after marriage without the consent of the other.
  • Insanity: One spouse suffering from a mental disorder for a continuous period of three years or more.
  • Venereal Disease: One spouse suffering from an incurable venereal disease at the time of marriage or contracting it after marriage.
  • Non-fulfillment of marriage obligations: Refusal to have sexual intercourse or perform other conjugal obligations without reasonable cause.

Additional Points:

  • The process of a contested divorce can be emotionally draining and financially demanding. It’s essential to seek support from your family, friends, and a therapist during this difficult time.
  • Consider mediation as a way to resolve the issues amicably and avoid a lengthy and expensive court battle.
  • Remember that it’s vital to be truthful and honest throughout the process. Providing false information or evidence can harm your case.

I hope this information is helpful. Please remember this is not legal advice. For specific guidance on your situation, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified family law lawyer in Indore.

Adcocate J.S. Rohilla (Civil & Criminal Lawyer in Indore)

Contact: 88271 22304

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